Friday, August 7, 2015

9 Happiest Dog Breeds according to research of all dog owners.


Dogs are simply one of the best pets you can have, as most of them offer an amazing amount of  love and acceptance. 


In fact, the dog has been a source of comfort, joy, and affection since the beginning of time. 


Did you know that having a dog as a pet is a major feature of all the cultures and civilization around the world? The sixteenth century of Europe brought in a trend of keeping dogs as pets, which was followed by the elite class of aristocrats, as well as dignified royal families. 



Dogs are just as popular now as they were back then, as they do tend to spread happiness by their continued tail wagging and love licks.

Here are nine of the happiest dogs who have become quite popular and have no qualms showering love on their masters and strangers alike.

 1. Golden Retriever



 Golden Retrievers are simply one of the happiest dog breeds in the world. hmmmm i think this breed was also in movie Marley and me or something like that.


 2. Labrador Retriever


The Labrador Retriever is an extremely hard working dog who is also known as one of America’s most loved dog breed.

Theres a differnce but havent seen many of this type 


 3. Italian Greyhound


An Italian Greyhound looks like a miniature version of the full size greyhound, which makes him look quite adorable.

 Kinda like dasch hound type body i think.


 4. Brussels Griffon


The Brussels Griffon has a distinct aura of charm and affection about him. Brussels Griffons are known to be highly cheerful, affectionate, and a curious breed of dog, which makes tends to make one of the best kind of companion dogs. 

Havent seen many of these around.


 5. Bearded Collie


Bearded Collies are one of the happiest dog breeds because of their happy herder kind of personality. Coming from Scotland, their unique smile showers affection upon all alike without any distinction. Looks like the type of Dog in disney movie i seen.



6. Bichon Frise

                                     Bichon Frise
                                                                               The Bichon Frise is one of the most loved lap-dogs with a history of being held in the lap of French royalty. EHHHH reminds me albert Einstein with that fur

 7. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

 The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is another famous lap-dog with friendly nature and lively temperament. Just AWWWWWWWWWW So cute but puppies are always Cute!

 8. American Straffordshire Terrier

This dog is extremely people-oriented with a loving personality similar to the Labrador Retriever.I think i sen a couple around here where i live.

9. Bedlington Terrier

The Bedlington Terrier is a dog that captures attention with its unique adorable sheep like appearance. 

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